5 December 2013

Time And Trust

Time: Gradient = Constant

It is said that everything in this world is temporary. Only time is permanent.......

Memory is powerful tool and yet it is such a burden. We tend to forget things that might just help us. Like during exams, how do we always manage to forget the answers. We know that we know it and yet, we mess up. On the other hand, we always remember the things we try so hard to forget. An embarrassing incident or something that hurt you once before. Those stay for years and years. Time and memory are two variables that we cannot seem to control. Time surpasses all of us (literally). Memory controls us. We all know that Memory is directly linked to time. As time passes we create new memories. Some we will remember, others our subconscious will remember. Memory also helps us learn new things, create a better understanding of our world. Along with time it also teaches us that nothing stays the same. Good things and bad things always come to anend. We try to recreate memories, but it never comes close. There is no better feeling than experiencing something new.

Trust: A feeling of unity with another entity.

When you feel that you can scream your heart out, without having the fear of being judged, or heard by anyone else. That's when trust is established. Personally I value trust over almost everything. This also is powerful tool that tells you that someone/something is always there for you. Even when the world turns away. Being such a powerful tool, it can be misused. Yes, we've all been there haven't we?
Having your trust broken, by someone you thought you had faith in. To me that's the worst feeling anyone could ever undergo.
No one deserves that. No one. 

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