2 December 2013

How Real is Our Reality

Look around you and try to describe the shape and colour of the objects that you see; describe it in English or your native tongue. When we try and describe these we realize two things;
1. Our language is limited in terms of describing reality
2. Perception blurs reality

Think about it, everything that you know to be real is just something that someone sometime in the past had found to be "true". An object being blue to someone could well be red to somebody else but they both call it blue because to the person who sees it as red has been fed the information that red is actually blue. It is what we learn during our childhood that we carry on with us. If I was taught that 2+2 is 5 and not 4 when I was young, I would still be believing that and state it as a fact. 1 was given a value by us, similarly every single word in the dictionary was given a meaning by us. Speaking in that sense, we have created our own reality.

If something that is created in somebody's mind is called imagination. Then is not reality on the borderline of imagination? This is one of the main crossroads science and religion come together on. We use science to try explain all that goes on around us while religion attributes it to the works of a higher being. I'm not trying to draw blood here but that is the fact...  No matter what you choose to believe in, the fact is that we are powerless when compared to the size of the universe; be it from a scientific or religious stand point. Yet we are the most intelligent species on this planet and we have categorized everything around us to help us understand what goes on around us.. We have created science and religion. If we had the power to create what defines us today, then does that not mean that we are after all powerful? We are powerless yet powerful, enough to deceive ourselves to the point that we think our imaginations have become facts and reality...

 Is the background of this page really black? Are you really reading this in English? How real is your reality?

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