2 January 2014

Freedom is Slavery

Our thoughts and ideas are shaped by nurture and nature i.e how we are raised and how we adapt and learn from our experiences. If we do think or do something out of the ordinary it gets embedded in our memory and thus has become an experience and will be added to our list of thoughts  and actions that are available to us. This adaptation means you grow in knowledge of things around you, so in that sense your mind has a sort of map or a flow chart to go to for every single act you do and everything you think about. Then of course there is the media that shapes majority of our knowledge of the world around us. Everything that you know has been taught to you by something or somebody else when you were young.

 2+2 = 4 because that is what you were taught. Which makes us wonder how much of our thoughts are truly free? How free are we really? We have a list of laws to abide by no matter which corner of the globe you're in. You can't do this, you can't do that. Even atoms and particles behave in a specific manner that makes them predictable meaning even they are not free. Since everything is made up of atoms, then does that not mean that there truly is no freedom? We all want to be free from certain things yet freedom comes with responsibilities. There is the matter of impeding another person's freedom by exerting your free will or free speech on them. Thereby resulting in the taking away of the freedom of another person. For example: If a person takes the liberty of commenting on another person's religious choices then that person is impeding the free will of the person who chose to make those religious choices. So if one had freedom then he is bound to impede the freedom of another at some point in time and so not everybody will have the right to freedom. This is always going to be the case considering the 7 billion people we have on Earth. The truth of the matter is that if we did have; true freedom, the world would be plunged into chaos. Everyone exerting their freedom on everything with no order whatsoever. This would ultimately result in our own demise and collapse as a society. Our thoughts and actions will never be free as we will always be influenced by one thing or another and if they were completely free it will result in our own desolation. Thus we are made to walk a fine line between complete freedom and slavery every single day of our lives from when we are born till the very day we die. if it existed, true freedom exists in the first few minutes immediately after we emerge from the wombs of our mothers, that is the moment we are truly free. The moment you breathe in the air of the Earth we are enslaved by forces and factors we do not know or understand and spend the rest of our lives trying to understand these forces and factors. True freedom though desirable is in many ways the forbidden fruit that will enslave us...

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