11 June 2012

Mental conditions induced in childhood

If ever a question of why an individual's personality and character is such and such arises, we are sure to find the answers in their childhood and how they are brought up. The first 20+ years of every human being seems to affect how he lives the rest of his life. Thus, we realize that every mental illness, can always be traced back to a certain or a collection of incidents that the person has faced when he was a child. This would obviously be because, we as children are not aware of the world and the way it works and we rely on our elders and - at the time of adolescence- on our friends and family too. No matter how great that childhood may have been for a person, the most remembered event will affect their life decisions in the future. We also need to be aware that this event that occurred can be remembered subconsciously too, and not always in the conscious mind as the conscious may feel that that event is worthless and thus not focus its attention on it so much. Thus, we see cases where people do not remember what affected them and why it did to cause such mental trauma that it lasts for life. We need to keep in mind that the event that affects them is relative. For example: if a boy who has lived the aristocratic life experiences his family going through debts, then that event would affect him. If a boy a boy who has been living in debt all his life experiences the same situation, it would not affect him a great deal. Thus, the event and how it affects each individual is relative to how they spent their childhood.

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