11 June 2012

Emptiness and boredom

Humans feel this need to occupy themselves with something all the time. Like how I'm typing this out because I'm bored right now for example. They also find the need to be "filled" by something either for a short period of time or long. Usually this is fulfilled by having friends and family and when this is not enough for an individual they look to satisfy themselves by finding themselves a partner with desired qualities, be it physical qualities or attitude or personalities. Thus, when this "partner's place" is left vacant and nobody is there to fulfill it, they focus their attention on a kind of materialism or give away the passion with - which they would've loved the partner- to another existing person(s) such as boy bands in the case of girls and models/actresses in the case of boys. We would find this occurrence mostly in adolescents as it is around that time that one would be most probably experiencing love for the first time. We would notice that these type of people would often get offended when a foul remark is made upon that celebrity and also that they would be emotional for that person for what they go through. They would sympathize or even empathize with them at all times.

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