9 September 2013

Everything is in continuum

There are distinctions in whatever we see and do. From people to actions; we have either been taught these distinctions or have drawn the line at some point saying "Okay if this object has this characteristics then this must belong to a certain group" and so on. We have races, religion, gender, age and so much more dividing us all. But what we don't seem to realize is that these are merely distinctions that we as humans have created and have placed in society to stand apart from each other. If we look for scientific proof, the genes in our DNA suggest that we are very close in terms of our genes and how they are structured. Therefore there is a continuum within us despite the fact that we all seem different from one another.

When we take this principle and apply it to everything around us we see that it can be proven that everything is in continuum. Time is a perfect example to show this as it is always moving and never stopping, it is continuous. Movement of people is continuous because even if we stop while walking we are still moving due to the rotation and revolution of the Earth around its orbit. Our bodies are always pumping fluid in the form of blood or hormones etc and so they're always moving. Your daily business being dumped into the soil will serve as nutrients to plants one day that will then be eaten by animals and then eaten by you again and therefore there is a continuous cycle. Nothing ever stops. Take the two most distinct things or categories you know and you'll always find a link between them somewhere at some point in history. We are all connected and moving at all times. Ever since the Big Bang, nothing has ever ceased to exit. It is always converted to some form or the other that will exist in the world and universe as we know it. Even the distinction between living and dead is blurred; when exactly do we say a person is dead? There are so many answers to this. When the blood stops pumping from the heart? When the brain no longer functions? When the flow of fluids stop? When the cells eventually die? 

All the answer that we have created to answer our questions have come from definitions we as humans have created and put in place for hundreds of years and therefore have become facts. This is what psychologists call categorical thinking, where we form categories into which all that we have knowledge of will fit into. These are just mere linguistic divisions we form to help us think better. This is when you realize that we as humans who are very inquisitive and always questioning what's happening to satisfy our curiosities have never gotten the complete answer. We see that our questions that were asked have never been truly answered for the entire span of human history and will never be truly answered ever. We will never stop asking questions even though there is never a perfect answer to the questions we ask...

1 comment:

  1. Properly insightful. Our reality is but a figment of human creation. It is flawed (gatsby english class xP). And societal divisions are merely an outcome of the world we chose to build. Almost trivial when we think of it.
